Thursday, February 19, 2009

Project 3: Superimposition

This assignment was easier at first. I knew that I would be taking a picture of myself facing left. I opened the image of myself as well as the image of Frank and his dance partner (sorry, I don't know her name), and spaced them out so I could examine the two images. What I first did was use the magnetic lasso to trace my head. Since I placed myself over a white backdrop, it wasn't too hard for the lasso to decide where to place points. But, I wasn't completely pleased with this method, so I switched over to the pen tool and created a path around my head. This took a little getting used to, but I was much more successful with it than I was in the lesson. After closing my path, I loaded the path as a selection and dragged the image of my head to a new document where I could fine tune the edges. I then dragged my head to the image of Frank and used the transform-scale to size my head appropriately. I switched my head to black & white, and went into the layers function to increase the brightness of my head, so as to make the image a little more believable. I wasn't completely satisfied with my head in the image, so I used the warp option under transform to narrow my head in so that it was a little closer to the dimensions of Frank's. I then copied Frank's collar and placed it over my neck, so that it looked a little more like I was wearing his suit. From that piont, I flattened the image and was finished.

My one disappointment with this, was that I don't have as glossy of a forehead as Frank...yet. This made it less believable, because the light wasn't shining off my head like on his.

Overall though, I'm pretty satisfied with the final product.