Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This assignment required a lot more rigor than the other projects. The first thing I did when I opened the two images, was to "match color", to try and bring out some of the colors in the target image. I then played around with the luminosity to enhance the colors a little. After this I went into "hue/saturation" to bring out specific colors. The blue curtains and the color in the couch were the hardest colors to bring out. I can tell I made the light from the lamps a little too blue and not enough of a chartreuse (if I'm stating the color wheel correctly). I spent the most time in the "hue/saturation" tool trying to be specific in the colors that I was enhancing. I'm pretty satisfied with my final image. Really my only area of improvement I feel, is getting the blue in the window.

My attempt is on top. The target image is on the bottom.